"For those in the Know."
By Susan Ruch, Chair
Election Update/Poll Working
Attention, all Republicans. The time to act is now. Please sign up to be a poll worker. In 2022, we made a difference, and we need to do it again in 2024. Let's not forget the significance of the Republican Party's return to poll work in 2020, which marked the beginning of our resurgence. Refresh your memory of critical history: The Republican National Committee Consent Decree of 1982. I will repost the historical facts on our Website again for your review. This Consent Decree prevented Republicans from working at the polls for more than 30 years. In 2022, we were vigilant at the polls; the Dems were displeased by our vigilance. This year, it has been reported that the Democrats are outnumbering us in registering to work the polls. Please help sign up. Your schedule is flexible; you get paid, and your County and State need you. Go immediately to the Clerk Recorders Office on Muser Street and sign up to work on the poll. We need people for the General Election in November. Your State and Country needs you.
"#Poll Working 2024".
Voter Registration
We are collecting signatures for the Voter ID Initiative and continuing to register voters. We need all citizens of Carson City to take the time to sign this critical Ballot Initiative. The Chairman's Corner will be posted shortly; please read as you will see the importance of a valid Voter ID. You may come to the CCRP Headquarters to sign the petition Monday through Friday. We need every Republican to vote this year. Your vote and help are crucial. By Voting, you are helping to save your Country. To assist with Registering Voters, call 775 841-1800 and ask for Elyse Johnston, who has agreed to chair our voter registration committee.
Interim Standing Committee Hearing/Legislative and Elections
Most are deeply concerned about our Nevada and the United States elections. May 10, 9 AM, there will be a hearing at the Legislature with the Legislative and Elections Committee. The discussion is on election equipment. There will be public Comments at the beginning and end of the meeting. You may testify in person and over the phone. Public Comment is a fundamental right of the Citizens of Nevada to be able to testify at these hearings. We must come and testify about our concerns about the election process here in Nevada. Please join us on May 10, 9 AM, at the Legislature. We will share with you which room once we find out.
We are continually adding new events to our Calendar. Check regularly; we also add events from our neighboring counties. To check out all the fun and exciting activities, select the Events tab on our Website, www.carsoncityrepublicans.com, or go to our Calendar on the Website. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter/X, Instagram, and LinkedIn
First Fridays
We have decided to cancel the First Friday of next month due to the Nevada State Convention. Our CCRP board will be in South Tahoe for the State Convention. Please look for the following first Friday location in June under events, which will be listed on our Calendar on the Website: www.carsoncityrepublicanparty.com. Our second Vice Chair, Marie King, has been the key to making these events happen for two years. Contact Marie if you know of a restaurant or bar that would
like to host our event: 661 414-6064.
Candidate Open House
Candidate Open House: On Wednesday, April 17, we held our first Open House from 4 to 6 PM for Candidates of all political races. The candidates who attended were Dr. Fred Simon, a candidate for the U.S. Congress; Jim Shirk, a mayor candidate; Tyson League, Justice of the Peace; and Joy Trushenski, School Board. We will continue the Open House until the Primary in June. The Open House will allow you to speak with the candidates from the School Board race to the top, including the U.S. Senate Race. If candidates inform us early, we will advertise their attendance. We will offer light snacks. Our Calendar will show candidates who have scheduled each week. Our Next one will be on April 24, 2024, from 4 to 6 PM. Candidates will be announced shortly.
The CCRP will enter a float in the Virginia City 4th of July Parade
Are you creative and would like to assist in creating our political float? We are making our 4th of July committee very soon. We need people to develop and help with the float. On your trip to Costco, please add a bag of Candy to the
shopping trip—the Children on the parade route love all the Candy handed out. We also include pocket constitutions that are well-received. Call our office number to volunteer to walk in the parade or work on the float. It is great fun.
General Membership Meeting
April 25, our General Meeting will start at 6:30 PM in the Craft 55 Room of the Casino Fandango, a smaller room off Palm Court. We have two exciting items on our agenda: This month, we will hold an election for State Committeemen through Proclamation. We have requested members send a bio if they want to run for our board as State Committeeman. We have received five bios that will fill all the openings; they were vetted as requested. Therefore, we will hold the election by proclamation at the General Meeting. We will read off the members' names that have sent their bios; most continue to stay on as Board Members, and five additonal people have volunteered to serve our community. At that time, we will call a vote by the members for a vote by proclamation. All the candidates understand that there are considerable commitments as a State Committeeman, such as chairing a committee, and they are requested to travel twice a year for the State Meetings. Our state meetings include traveling to Las Vegas or other rural counties periodically.
We will also host U.S. Senate Candidate Tony Grady at the meeting. Please take the time if you haven't heard Lt. Col. Tony speak. He is a viable candidate for the U.S. Senate. At the end of the meeting, we will allow additional Candidates who attend 2 minutes to speak. Hearing the candidates talk is the best way to decide who the best candidate is to vote for.
We Need Your Help
Volunteering for the CCRP
We will be working with Turning Point Action on Ballot Chasing. We will start now to fully
understand and practice how to effectively ensure that all Republicans in Carson City vote this all-important year. If you are interested in volunteering, let us know. We need many people to tackle Carson City during the Primary and General Election. The CCRP believes we need every Republican in the 2024 Election to vote. We are working with Turning Point Action on Ballot Chasing to ensure every legal ballot is cast. The goal is to have several paid people knock on the door of those who have not voted and encourage them to cast their ballot. To do this, we will need funds to cover the cost. A generous donor has challenged us to collect $1500, and they will match the donation. The challenge is that it must be collected by June 1. This election is for all the marbles to coin a phrase: we ask for your help. Winning this election is for our children and grandchildren—many thanks for considering my request.
John Parrish, our Precinct Chair, will be holding a training for Precinct Captains and Door Knocking. On April 27, between 11 AM and 2 PM in the Ormsby Room at the Sheriff's office, 911 E.. Muser Street. We will learn how to chase ballots within your precincts, use the Turning Point Application for door knocking, and much more. Schaydend Gorai of Turning Point Action will be there for the training. The public is invited to participate. Please get in touch with us at 775 841-1800 to register so we have enough training materials to hand out. It is an exciting and strategic class. The data you will receive is invaluable.
CCRP Office and What We Offer
We have a library of interesting political books for you to enjoy. Stop by and select your next book: Knowledge is Power. We would appreciate the donation if you had current political books you would like to share with our readers.
We offer a vast selection of political merchandise for donations. We have political shirts, flags, buttons, hats, bumper stickers galore, and patriotic brooches. Stop in during our office hours, 10 to 4 Monday through Friday and 10 to 2 Saturday.
We have a Membership Application on our Website and at our CCRP office. Membership is free. Suppose you are a registered Republican in Carson City. In that case, you can join by attending two consecutive CCRCC general membership meetings, with the third meeting being voted in as a voting member. Attending an approved volunteer activity and office work may also count as attendance.
CCRP will be vital in Ballot Assistance/Ballot Harvesting in Carson City during the General
Election in November. This year, we decided to have paid ballot chasers instead of paid door
knockers as we have done in the past. CCRP is being challenged to raise $1500 by June 1, and a generous donation will match that amount. We need every Republican Vote this November; it is now or never. We are asking for your help to achieve this goal. Please stop by the office with your donation. You can donate online through our Website or by mail. Please indicate it is for our Ballot Assistance program. We feel this is a must-program to help win this election. Thank you in advance for your generosity; we couldn't have done this without you.
We also have three special donor programs:
Major Donor - $85 monthly recurring gift or $1,000 or more.
Booster Boster Donor: $45 monthly recurring gift or $500 or more donation.
Please support us with any of these programs. Thank you!
"Angel Donner"—Please consider being an "Angel" donor. An "Angel" donor contributes any amount up to $200 to help match what we collect when we "pass the hat" at our membership meeting (any amount is appreciated). Our Angel Donner will receive a copy of the film "A Letter to the American Church " and a bottle of wine next month.
Please help in any way you can. What do we do with our funds? Donations help support the
Headquarters, pay for our slate cards, mailings, outreach to help grow the party, and more. We operate entirely on donations only. We couldn't do it without you.
We greatly appreciate all your contributions.
Thank you, Susan Ruch, Chairman