From Susan Ruch, Carson Valley Republican Party Chair

Our Last Town Hall Meeting has come and gone. Thank you to everyone who participated. We will host many of the Candidates at our General Meeting on May 23, 6:30 PM. More information is below.
Interim Standing Committee Hearing/Legislative and Elections
Many of us share concerns about the Nevada and the United States elections. Sadly, no one participated in the hearing on Operations and Elections on May 10 of the legislature. Your public comments before and after the hearing, especially on the agenda item of electronic election equipment, can make a significant difference. This is a crucial opportunity for you to testify in person, by phone, or by email. Public Comment is a fundamental right of the Citizens of Nevada to testify at legislative hearings. We urge you to join us at the next Legislature hearing on August 9, 9 AM, room 4401. Let's gather in the hallway with our bright RED Shirts and make our voices heard.
We Always Need Your Help
The Carson City Republican Party is always in need of more volunteers. We are looking for people to assist with voter registration and precinct work. We have a dedicated staff at the office and are always looking for more people. Our shifts are 3 hours long, and we will be very busy with the election. Lastly, early voting for the primary starts at the end of this month. The CCRP always has a booth at the polling location, the community center on William Street during the Primary and the general election. We need people to help man the booth during those two weeks; if you are interested in helping with any of these projects, please call our office at 775 841-1800, or you may stop by and fill out our volunteer registration card in the office or on our website. We are all working together to save our country.
Thank you for your continued support and help.
Ballot Chasing
The CCRP has accepted a challenge to collect donations of $1500 for our Ballot Chasing Initiative for the general election. We aim to have paid ballot chasers to ensure every Republican votes in Carson City. This is an initiative to encourage people who are prone not to vote even though they are Registered Republican Voters. I am thrilled to announce we have reached our goal. I want to thank everyone for your donations; they are greatly appreciated. Counts if you can spare a few dollars. The CCRP is working very hard to keep Carson Red and to win the 2024 election. You can donate through our website, QR Code, or link: Thank you, every dollar helps.
4th of July Float in Virginia City

It's hard to believe the 4th of July will be here before you know it. We are entering a float in the 4th July Parade in Virginia City. We are forming our float committee this week. We need some creative people to assist with the artistic part of the float, and we will require workers to help decorate the float. If you have not participated in the parade in Virginia City, I can tell you it is an enjoyable day. We will need bags of candy, so if you are heading to Costco, it would be greatly appreciated if you could pick up a bag of candy for us and drop it off at the Republican Headquarters. The children are just so excited to receive pieces of candy along the parade route. It is just so fun to see their smiling faces. Call us to sign up for the float committee. We have some fun ideas for the float this year. Call 775 841-1800 to get started on this fun project.
CCRP General Membership Meeting
On May 23, the Carson City Republican Party will hold its General Meeting, starting at 6:30 PM in the Craft 55 Room in the Casino Fandango. 6:30 is social time, and at 7 PM, the meeting begins promptly. We will have invited many candidates to attend this meeting. We will award each candidate up to 3 minutes to speak. We will also allow time for you to meet with the candidates afterward to ask questions. As a reminder, for in-person voting, the Primary starts on Saturday, May 25. All candidates whom we can reach will be invited. This should be an exciting evening. Candidates, if you are reading this, please reach out to us. We want you to attend and speak. We are asking all Republicans to vote early; we want to track who has voted and who needs to vote. Every Republican Needs to Vote in the Primary and the General Election!
Please call Susan Ruch, Chair, at 775 351-3917.

From May 24 through Memorial Day, we will host a booth at the Casino Fandango Rockin Rib Fest, a fun-filled event. Many of you have enjoyed this experience in the past, and your contributions have been invaluable in engaging with a diverse range of people. Thank you to everyone who has stepped up to volunteer. We have filled all our slots needed, but we invite you to stop by and support us. We have new merchandise, including the much-asked Pink Ladies for Trump caps.
First Friday

Our next First Friday will be on June 7th. We will be at the White House on Stewart St. from 5 to 9 PM. The White House is a lovely Victorian house with outdoor facilities at Stewart and Telegraph St. It promises a fun summer evening, so be sure to mark it on your calendar.
Carson City Republican Party Election Booth
Every Election, the CCRP has a booth at the Community Center to assist Republican Voters. We are there for two weeks and need volunteers to help with the booth with three-hour shifts. The hours for the first two weeks are from 9 to 6, and Election Day 7 to 7. We will call people to ask for assistance, and you can contact the office to sign up. Your involvement is crucial in ensuring a smooth voting process. It is great to see so many incredible Patriots coming to vote. New update for Carson as of May 1: Republican Party 14,923, Democratic Party 9,814, and Non-Party 12,590. Thank you for all your hard work keeping us RED. We must keep the pedal to the metal; there is no letting up. Yay! Go, Red Team; the Patriots are ahead.
Early Voting for Primary

Early Voting Starts on Saturday, May 25th, from 10 AM to 2 PM at the Community Center on William Street. You can drop off your ballot or vote in person at this location. Starting Monday, May 27, the hours change to 9 AM to 6 PM Monday through Friday for in-person voting and dropping your ballots off. Our Election Day we ALL LOVE is June 11 from 7 AM to 7 PM. We cherish election day but request that this election cycle, vote early for the primary and general elections. Your vote matters, and we want to use our extra resources to track voters who have not voted, yes, Republicans who feel your vote doesn't count, etc. We need every Republican to vote. We have an unofficial Ballot Box at the office. We will take ballots to the Clerk Recorder Office at the end of each day. The Ballot Box is secure with security tape, and we will have the Clerk Recorder's office remove the seal and the ballots.
City Planning Meeting
We will host a Carson City Master Plan meeting with Hope Sullivan on June 17, 2024, at 6 PM. With so many concerns about the direction Carson City Is moving, this will be an evening to ask all your questions of Hope about our City’s Master Plan. The meeting location will be announced shortly. We encourage you to come out and join us for an informative evening. Your presence and input are invaluable to us. We look forward to seeing you there.
What the CCRP Office Has to Offer
The CCRP has many political items we carry for your pleasure. We are asking for donations for these items. We also have all of your favorite candidate's political yard signs available. Also, we have an extensive collection of political books and movies for your edification. The photo is of books just donated for your reading pleasure. One of the books donated was by candidate and writer Tony Grady. Tony has an exciting life. Our hours are 10 to 4 Monday through Friday and 10 to 2 Saturdays. Remember, Knowledge is Power.

The Carson City Republican Party wants to express our continued gratitude for your generosity. Your donations are not just financial contributions; they are the lifeblood of our organization, enabling us to pay for our office rent, utilities, and other essential expenses. Your support is what keeps us going, and we truly can’t do it without you. Every dollar you donate directly impacts our ability to serve our community and uphold our Republican values. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. This is a list of our Donor Programs for this coming year. We hope to see you at our various functions soon.
Major Donor $85 monthly reoccurring gift of $1,000
Booster Donor $45 a monthly recurring gift or $500 Donation
Please support us with any of these programs. All donations are welcome and greatly appreciated. You may donate on our website,, using our QR Code or copying this web address and entering it into your web browser search.
Angel Donor—When attending our monthly meeting, please consider being an “Angel Donor.” An Angel Donor matches up to $200 based on what we collect when we traditionally “pass the hat” at our monthly membership meeting. The Angel Donor will receive a copy of the film “A Letter to the American Church” and a bottle of wine for our next meeting.
What do we do with our funds? We pay the rent for our office, keep the lights on, pay utilities, print, and do necessary activities for all of you to keep Nevada Red. Everyone is a volunteer in our office working for you. We will have significant expenses soon as we must pay to print the slate cards and mail them to our voters. What are the slate cards? The Slate Cards let our voters know who the Republicans are and who we need to vote for. Everyone must vote the down ticket, all red this election cycle—President to the School Board, Board of Supervisor, Justice of the Peace.
Remember: Elections have Consequences. Your support is crucial in these efforts “One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.“ Plato, Greek Philosopher.
Have a fabulous week, and we eagerly look forward to your continued support and seeing you at our upcoming events. Your presence and involvement are what make our party strong and successful. Thank you for being a part of our community. Susan Ruch Chairman
Make a difference.
God Bless America, Nevada, Carson City, and you. Susan Ruch, Chairman