We have events coming up very shortly. All our voters need to be active and engaged. We are all in this together.
¨ Trump Force 47 Training every Wednesday at our Headquarters, 1971 California Street, at 4 pm. Training on Door Knocking and Phone Banking. If you have signed up and have questions, come at 3 pm to have problems solved.Â
¨ Presidential Debate, September 10, at the La Capital on College Parkway. Doors open at 5 pm so that you may order your drinks and food. The Debate starts at 6 pm. 1795 College Parkway.Â
¨ We will be hosting poll-watching training very soon, so please look out for dates and times for Carson City poll watchers.
¨ Our Membership meeting at the end of the month, September 26, will host a Debate between the 2 Mayoral Candidates, Mayor Lori Bagwell and Jim Shirk. We will be asking you for suggestions for questions you want the candidates to address. We will always be at the Casino Fandango; doors open at 6:30. The room will be announced soon.Â
¨ It has come to my attention that the Stewart Reservation has decided to have a Polling Location at the last minute. We must staff the location from 7 am to 7 pm with poll watchers and workers. Our Clerk Recorders urgently needs people to sign up to be poll workers and watchers for that location. It will be for that day only, Election Day. Please get in touch with me to sign up for that specific place as soon as possible. Susan Ruch, Chair—775 351-3917, is my direct number for more information. This assignment is an urgent matter.
We have Trump -Vance signs and lots of Trump and political merchandise to offer for suggested donations. For any questions, call our office at 775 841-1800.   Our slate cards will be mailed to you within 2 or 3 weeks. We were delayed due to getting all of the ballot questions and making sure how we suggest voters vote on these Constitutional questions. These Questions change our Nevada Constitution; we must get it right.
Thank you, and God Bless America, Donald Trump, Nevada, Carson City, and you.
Susan Ruch, your Chairman