By Susan Ruch, Carson City Republican Central Committee, Chair

We have events coming up very shortly. All of our
voters need to be active and engaged. We are all in thisÂ

1. Trump Force 47 Training every Wednesday at our Headquarters,
1971 California Street, at 4 PM. Training on Door Knocking and
Phone Banking. If you have signed up and have questions,
come at 3 PM to have problems solved.
2. General Membership Meeting and Mayoral Debate
September 26, 6:30 PM doors open, 7 PM Meeting Starts.
3. Poll Watching Training, October 3 and October 7, 4 PM at theÂ
Republican Headquarters, 1971 Cal8fornis Sf. Please call
775 841-1800 to register.
4. Our First Friday, October 4, will be held at Red's, S. Carson St.. 6
to 8 PM. Join us for interesting conversations with like-minded
people, excellent drinks, and great food.
Thank you, and God Bless America, Donald Trump, Nevada,
Carson City, and you.
Susan Ruch, your Chairman