The Carson City Republican Party wants to wish everyone a very happy Thanksgiving. As Americans we have much to be grateful for: our families, our freedoms and our decisive victory on November 5. Please take a few minutes on Thanksgiving as we sit down for our delicious meals and reflect on all we have to be grateful for in 2024. One thing I am forever grateful for is your involvement for our election in Carson City. Republicans in Carson City had an 83% turnout. You are amazing, and I could not be prouder of our Republican Party. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. God blessed America and Nevada and has given us another chance.

¨ We can now breathe a little easier with the Presidential win. With more Republicans voting than any other party, we have turned our state Red. What does that mean for our party, and what lies ahead? We cannot fix the problems of our country in four years. We must stay active and politically involved going forward. You need to know all of your local elected officials: the Board of Supervisors, the Mayor, the Assemblymen/women, the State and US Senators, the Congressmen, and everyone else. Next year, our Website will list the dates and times of essential state and local meetings for you to attend. Please stay tuned for this new improvement to our Website.

As a reminder, we will not hold a membership meeting in December. Our next membership meeting is on January 23, 2025. In place of our meeting, we have a Christmas party. You will find the information for the Christmas party below. Our tickets are selling quickly and could sell out. We would be disappointed not to see you at the party, so please buy your tickets sooner rather than later.
 December 7, our Annual Christmas Party at the Governor's Mansion from 5 to 8 PM. A Catered Affair will be our caterer for our party with their scrumptious Beef Wellington. The tickets cost $65 per person and are available at the CCRP Headquarters and or online.  We had a lovely time last year and are looking forward to a magical time this year. We will ask you to bring a new unwrapped toy for a child and a pair of new socks. Baby, it's Cold out There! Reminder you have until November 30, at 10 pm to purchase tickets.

• Do you need a last minute Christmas Gift? The CCRP Headquarters at
1971 California Street has all your Trump Gear, ornaments, flags, Trump Girl Bags, and more. December 18, 4 to 7 PM our office will hold an Open House. We will have holiday treats you will have an opportunity to purchase some last minute gifts.
How excited are you over this Red Wave MAGA Victory? I am excited to announce that we will have a MAGA Party on January 11, 2025 to celebrate all of the many volunteers who assisted with returning President Trump to the Whitehouse. If you volunteered in any capacity with us, please contact us and sign up with our office, 775 841-1800. Our event will be held at our favorite Casino Fandango from 4 to 7 PM. Be sure to join us, we want to celebrate you with food, music and prizes. We couldn’t have done it without the warrior volunteers. It will be a great evening. Win, Win, Win. Are you tired of winning yet? Your all winners!!!!
As we move into the next year, we have some exciting classes to look forward to. The first class will be Biblical Citizenship, an 8-week class. It is an exciting and enlightening class of our forefathers and how the bible helped form our constitution. More information will be coming soon.
The next legislative session starts February 3, 2024. Heritage Action and Nathan Dueil will hold a class on testifying in the legislature on January 15, 6 to 8 PM. Legislative testifying is an essential subject you do not want to miss. The all-important class will be at the Casino Fandango in the Craft 55 room. We are now taking reservations. The information is important because we plan to be very prolific in testifying during this upcoming legislative session. To register for the class, call 775 841-1800. We are asking for a $20 donation to cover our costs.

 Thank you for being so committed to the Carson City Republican Party. We can now celebrate our 2024 Victory. You voted, and your vote counted—our families living in California immensely helped with the popular vote. The 2024 election was the sweetest victory of my lifetime. We, the people of the USA, have sent a Screaming Message to the Left: The People have spoken.
God Bless America, Nevada, Carson City, and you. Susan Ruch, Your Chairman